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Elliott Brown Transport
25 Jul 2022 - Elliott Brown

Riding the West Midlands Metro in Zone 1 between Edgbaston Village and Jewellery Quarter

The Westside Metro extension between Centenary Square and Hagley Road opened on the 17th July 2022. Then there was the heatwave. Elliott got a chance to ride it on the 23rd July 2022, on an off peak day ticket in the My Metro app, for Zone 1 only. Starting from Edgbaston Village, passing Five Ways and Brindleyplace. And on towards St Paul's and Jewellery Quarter.

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Riding the West Midlands Metro in Zone 1 between Edgbaston Village and Jewellery Quarter

The Westside Metro extension between Centenary Square and Hagley Road opened on the 17th July 2022. Then there was the heatwave. Elliott got a chance to ride it on the 23rd July 2022, on an off peak day ticket in the My Metro app, for Zone 1 only. Starting from Edgbaston Village, passing Five Ways and Brindleyplace. And on towards St Paul's and Jewellery Quarter.

A trip from Edgbaston to Jewellery Quarter via the City Centre, on the 23rd July 2022, to see King Kong return, then pop to The Golden Square, and get a tram back to the Colmore Business District for another visit to the 18th floor balcony at 103 Colmore Row. And one final tram journey from Victoria Square to Brindleyplace.

On the 20th July, I'd travelled to Broad Street to get photos of my first trams in service, but left riding the tram until the Saturday.


Edgbaston Village Tram Stop

I got the no 1 bus from Acocks Green via Moseley, which was diverted twice, including the scheduled diversion (due to Church Road being closed as The Vale is a Birmingham 2022 athletes village). Eventually got off the bus at Calthorpe Road and walked round to Harborne Road, then up the new Edgbaston Village Walk to the newly opened tram stop on the Hagley Road. It wasn't too long to wait for the tram to arrive.

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Zone 1 is from Edgbaston Village to Jewellery Quarter. There is three other zones from Jewellery Quarter to Wolverhampton St George's.

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West Midlands Metro tram 21 arrives, heading past Morrisons, and headed to the platform I was waiting at.

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The tram was pretty empty from the first stop, another photographer got on board, but he got off at Five Ways (the next stop).

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Five Ways Tram Stop

After heading through the Five Ways underpass between Hagley Road and Broad Street, the next stop would be Five Ways Tram Stop.

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The Superfreak street art was seen from tram 21, on the wall of Atlas Intercity, and near Islington House (was formerly Zara's).

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A few days before on the 20th July 2022, I caught a no 24 bus and saw tram 22 on a test run towards Edgbaston Village, it was heading down the Five Ways underpass from Broad Street.

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Before that, I'd got my first photos of a tram arriving at Five Ways Tram Stop, that would be West Midlands Metro tram 42. They need to manually change the display, as this one still said Edgbaston Village, but was heading to Wolverhampton St George's.

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Even More Brum! Seen on Five Ways Tram Stop before I took my first tram photos on Broad Street.

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On the 15th July 2022 they were applying the vinyls a couple of days before the line opened. Got this nice shot of Five Ways Tram Stop with the Five Ways Entertainment Complex.

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Brindleyplace Tram Stop

Back to the journey on the 23rd July 2022, the next stop on Broad Street was Brindleyplace Tram Stop. Right outside of a restaurant called Qavali. Another tram went past.

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In front of the driver, was a National Express West Midlands bus, no 6104 (not sure of the route number). Heading for Edgbaston Village Tram Stop was West Midlands Metro tram 40.

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Later that day, I'd caught my third tram, this time from Town Hall Tram Stop at Victoria Square, and got off at Brindleyplace Tram Stop. Was on tram 21 again, as tram 42 was heading for Wolverhampton St George's. Note that both trams said Edgbaston Village. Those tram drivers need to manually change the  digital destination display!

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On the 20th July 2022, I headed up to the Secret Garden on  Level 7 at the Library of Birmingham to see if I could catch a tram on Broad Street. I managed to capture West Midlands Metro tram 43 heading for Edgbaston Village Tram Stop.

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By the time I left the library, I walked up Broad Street and saw tram 43 departing from Brindleyplace Tram Stop. There is still people riding e-Scooter's on Broad Street, near the trams and buses.

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Library Tram Stop

Back to the journey on the 23rd July, the tram arrived at Library Tram Stop for Centenary Square. This was when it started to get a bit busier.

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The tram went past the statue of Boulton, Watt & Murdoch, as well as the Birmingham 2022 Megastore.

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I also saw from the tram window, the Library of Birmingham and the Commonwealth Games flag pins.

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No 24 bus journey on the 20th July, as West Midlands Metro tram 39 (University of Birmingham livery near The Exchange) dpearted for Edgbaston Village (not Wolverhampton).

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Town Hall Tram Stop

On the 23rd July, my second tram trip was from Jewellery Quarter, got off at Bull Street (standing room only). Then walked up Colmore Row, to use my Key to the City for a third time at 103 Colmore Row. A 20 minute wait, before getting taken up the lift to the 18th floor balcony again. Took the opportunity to get the trams passing through Victoria Square, including tram 39 (University of Birmingham adverts) having just departed Town Hall Tram Stop.

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Not long after West Midlands Metro tram 42 (Nourished adverts) went past Victoria Square House towards Town Hall Tram Stop.

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After leaving Town Hall Tram Stop on Paradise Street, it passed Perry the Bull on it's way to Library in Centenary Square (crossing over Paradise Circus).

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Earlier, on my first tram towards St Paul's, the tram passed Victoria Square with this view to the Birmingham 2022 Fan Zone and 103 Colmore Row.

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After leaving 103 Colmore Row, I went to Town Hall Tram Stop for my third and final tram trip of the day (towards Broad Street, Brindleyplace Tram Stop).

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The Paradise Street side of the Town Hall now has Birmingham 2022 banners, as workmen got the building ready for the opening of the games.

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Tram 21 arrived, the tram I'd caught earlier that day. 103 Colmore Row, Foreign Exchange (Queen Victoria), Iron: Man and a tram. Finally!

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St Paul's Tram Stop

I ended my first tram journey on Zone 1 at St Paul's Tram Stop. I'd caught West Midlands Metro tram 21 at Edgbaston Village. It was closer here to get off and then see King Kong on Great Hampton Row. Also the tram was started to get a bit fuller than earlier stops.

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The new King Kong was a short walk away from St Paul's Tram Stop, from Constitution Hill and Great Hampton Street, to Great Hampton Row in 'King Kong Park'.

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Jewellery Quarter Tram Stop

After a quick look at King Kong, a walk towards The Golden Square, and checking out the Jewellery Quarter Festival, before a coffee stop at Costa Coffee on Frederick Street. Then a walk up Vyse Street to catch my second tram back into the City Core. Into Jewellery Quarter Station, then across to the tram stop platforms.

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On the railway side, I saw West Midlands Railway 172004 (and an unidentified Class 172 at the back) heading in the direction of Birmingham Snow Hill Station.

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My tram had arrived, West Midlands Metro tram 39. It was a bit full, so standing room only, and I got it to Bull Street. Later saw it from the 18th floor balcony at 103 Colmore Row (see further up this post for those photos).

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Transport
09 Jun 2022 - Elliott Brown

Eastside Metro extension roadworks in Digbeth: August 2021 and May 2022

Views from the bus heading out through Digbeth during August 2021, and into town via Digbeth in late May 2022. In between it wasn't worth getting photo updates when there was just holes in the road, and Midland Metro Alliance were just moving pipes. By Spring 2022, they have installed curb stones, and temporary tarmacing the southbound road surface.

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Eastside Metro extension roadworks in Digbeth: August 2021 and May 2022

Views from the bus heading out through Digbeth during August 2021, and into town via Digbeth in late May 2022. In between it wasn't worth getting photo updates when there was just holes in the road, and Midland Metro Alliance were just moving pipes. By Spring 2022, they have installed curb stones, and temporary tarmacing the southbound road surface.

The major roadworks in Digbeth from July 2021 to July 2022 by the Midland Metro Alliance. They usually work during the week, apart from on Bank Holidays or at weekends.

The southbound lanes have been closed between Digbeth Police Station and The Rainbow, while the northbound bus lane has been closed and open to all traffic. The inner northbound lane has been used for southbound traffic. There is plenty of temporary traffic lights. Entrances from Heath Mill Lane, as well as the Zellig Car Park, and others that need access.

I've been getting the bus up and down it throughout, so not always wanted to get updates, when there was just big holes in the ground. Plus they will not be laying tracks on this side.

Sometimes takes 20 minutes to get through, if there is a lot of traffic. Longer if the traffic lights fail to work.


August 2021

On Monday 16th August 2021, the southbound lanes was closed by the Midland Metro Alliance, and they moved the southbound traffic into one of the former northbound lanes, close to Birmingham Coach Station. The northbound bus lane was open to all traffic.

Views from the top deck of the no 6 bus with National Express West Midlands Electric. Sitting at the time near the front, on the left, second window seat back.

Passing Digbeth Police Station. The first day that the traffic heading out of Digbeth would be diverted south onto one of the northbound lanes.

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Fancy Fabrics on the left. Early stages of the road being dug up.

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Passing the Custard Factory and Zellig.

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Custard Factory / Zellig and then the Clean Kilo.

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Passing the Clean Kilo, followed by The Old Crown. Heath Mill Lane would remain open to traffic into 2022.

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The Old Crown, early stages of the road surface being dug up.

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May 2022

Saturday 28th May 2022, views from the top deck of the no 6 bus, National Express West Midlands Electric heading into the City Centre via Digbeth. Window seat on the right at the front.

Midland Metro Alliance have started to tarmac the southbound road surface at long last. It will only be temporary, as it needs to be in place for the Commonwealth Games.

Near The Rainbow.

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New paving outside of The Old Crown. They recently discovered a long lost hole, though to be a coal entrance, it's now been covered over.

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On the right is the Custard Factory, Kilo Zero and The Old Crown. 

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At long last a tarmaced road surface. View towards Birmingham Coach Station, not far from the Custard Factory.

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They will resume the work on Monday morning. This view not far from the coach station.

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On the right is the Big Bulls Head. Side roads such as Milk Street have been closed to traffic.

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Next up is The Kerryman. The pavement has been quite narrow while they widen it, you can see the new curb stones here.

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This bit near the BCU Steam House (being demolished). View towards St Martin's Church and Digbeth Police Station. The eventual Metro line will come from HS2 via Meriden Street.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Transport
06 Jun 2022 - Elliott Brown

Perry Barr Station reopened at the end of May 2022

Perry Barr Station was reopened on Sunday 29th May 2022 on the Wolverhampton via Birmingham New Street to Walsall line. Elliott got an off-peak return to the station the following day to check the station out. Trains every half hour in both directions. Looks much better than the old station, it now also has lifts. Platform gap to trains is a bit high, but other than that it's ok.

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Perry Barr Station reopened at the end of May 2022

Perry Barr Station was reopened on Sunday 29th May 2022 on the Wolverhampton via Birmingham New Street to Walsall line. Elliott got an off-peak return to the station the following day to check the station out. Trains every half hour in both directions. Looks much better than the old station, it now also has lifts. Platform gap to trains is a bit high, but other than that it's ok.

A visit to Perry Barr Station on Monday 30th May 2022, with an off-peak day return ticket only £3.00 in the West Midlands Railway app from Birmingham New Street and back.

I arrived at Perry Barr on the 11:40 on platform 2 on board London Northwestern Railway 350101.

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London Northwestern Railway 350101 seen shortly before departing for Walsall. Youtuber Sim0n Trains was there most of the day.

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Up the steps, a quick look at the concourse on the way out.

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It's pretty spacious in here, a bit quiet during off peak hours.

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Was raining on arrival at Perry Barr. A quick look at the exterior of the new station building.

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It looks like rusted metal, compared to the old concrete that was there from the 1960s until 2021.

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After a Costa Coffee stop out of the rain at the One Stop Shopping Centre, the start of a walk towards Perry Park, had to cross over Walsall Road, and find my way onto Aldridge Road.

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About an hour later after coming back via the Tame Valley Canal, there was now a worker on a cherry picker near the Perry Barr Station sign. View with The Mercian.

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A lot of work still to be done in the public realm outside of the station and One Stop, near Walsall Road.

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One shutter that was open earlier was now closed while the cherry picker was there, but was an entrance near the ticket machine.

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The concourse from the other side, near the ticket desk.

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View from the bridge between the lifts, Sim0n Trains and friend were still there getting footage for his video.

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Sim0n Trains videoing the steps from platform 2 by the looks of it.

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View down platform 1.

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Had a half hour wait for my train back to Birmingham New Street. First up, the 13:40 to Walsall showed up at platform 2. London Northwestern Railway 350403.

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Then London Northwestern Railway 350403, the 13:43 to Wolverhampton (via Birmingham New Street showed up) about a minute late. Caught this back to Birmingham.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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70 passion points
Elliott Brown Transport
30 May 2022 - Elliott Brown

Westside Metro Extension: Broad Street and Hagley Road - April and May 2022 update

Trams continue to be tested along Broad Street and Hagley Road via Five Ways. The roads will be reopened to buses from 5th June 2022, but trams will only be in service to Bull Street when it resumes again. 

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Westside Metro Extension: Broad Street and Hagley Road - April and May 2022 update

Trams continue to be tested along Broad Street and Hagley Road via Five Ways. The roads will be reopened to buses from 5th June 2022, but trams will only be in service to Bull Street when it resumes again. 

2nd April 2022

Broad Street

At Centenary Square, near Broad Street. Pink Midland Metro Alliance barriers near Library Tram Stop.

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9th April 2022

Broad Street

The Midland Metro Alliance has installed an electricity substation at Five Ways Island, above  the Five Ways Underpass (between Broad Street and Hagley Road in Edgbaston). St Martin's Place and Park Regis Birmingham seen behind with a bus on the 23 or 24 bus routes via Harborne.

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Cones and pink Midland Metro Alliance barriers on Broad Street between The Mercian and The Bank. Towards the Five Ways Entertainment Complex.

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Cones and barriers on Broad Street between Brindleyplace and O'Neill's towards The Crown Reflex.

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7th May 2022

Broad Street

Close to the site of Brindleyplace Tram Stop on Broad Street towards the Library of Birmingham. Pink Midland Metro Alliance barriers were in the middle of the road.

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25th May 2022

Hagley Road

Outside of Morrisons on the Hagley Road. What looks like green astroturf, with TRAM ONLY painted on this side. Towards Starbucks Coffee.

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To the Five Ways Underpass from Hagley Road. The barriers have been removed, but cones remain in place.

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A Midland Metro Alliance worker is there to remove the cones when the test trams come through the Five Ways Underpass. View towards The Mercian and Hampton by Hilton Broad Street hotel.

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28th May 2022

Broad Street

Cones line both sides of Broad Street between JD Wetherspoon: Solomon Cutter and The Crown Reflex, towards The Brasshouse. A car drives up the middle, while a yellow taxi cab is parked on the right.

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Cyclists have made good use of the closed roads. Here a cyclist is seen riding his bike through the middle of the cones up Broad Street and past The Brasshouse. Entrance to Brindleyplace and the canal on the right.

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Closest we've been able to get to the Five Ways Underpass from Broad Street. There is a Midland Metro Alliance worker who moves the cones and barriers when a test tram comes through. View towards the Marriott Hotel.

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It looks like the underpass will be for buses and trams only. All other traffic will have to use Five Ways Island from Broad Street. View near Park Regis Birmingham and Broadway Residences.

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For further photos click here for almost 400 photos: Westside Metro extension Broad Street to Hagley Road

Photography by Elliott Brown

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Elliott Brown Art; Culture & creativity
28 Apr 2022 - Elliott Brown

Annatomix fox at Wylde Green Station

I was first aware that Annatomix had painted her trademark orange fox at Wylde Green Station, during June 2021. Took me a while, but returned to Sutton Coldfield at midday on Sunday 24th April 2022. Walked down from the Town Centre to the Highbridge Road Bridge. Down the steps, and the art was in an alcove behind the steps and wall.

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Annatomix fox at Wylde Green Station

I was first aware that Annatomix had painted her trademark orange fox at Wylde Green Station, during June 2021. Took me a while, but returned to Sutton Coldfield at midday on Sunday 24th April 2022. Walked down from the Town Centre to the Highbridge Road Bridge. Down the steps, and the art was in an alcove behind the steps and wall.

Getting to Sutton Coldfield

I was going to get the 13:06 from platform 8A at Birmingham New Street Station, but it was running 10 minutes late on the 24th April 2022. The first Class 323 from Redditch ended up terminating there, but an announcement told passengers to go to platform 7A, so over the bridge to the other side, and another Class 323 arrived for 13:16 from Soho Depot.

Arriving at Sutton Coldfield Station, I first popped to Costa Coffee at the Gracechurch Centre, before walking down the Birmingham Road towards Wylde Green Station. I left Birmingham Road at Jockey Road. The wrong bridge over the Cross City Line, but found a shortcut via Wilkinson Close to Highbridge Road.


Annatomix fox at Wylde Green Station

Down the steps towards platform 1 (trains towards Four Oaks and Lichfield Trent Valley). I could see the Annatomix fox over the steps as I headed down.

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In the alcove at the back, below the Highbridge Road Bridge in Wylde Green is the Annatomix fox.

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The fox and the steps. To get back to Birmingham New Street though, went back up these steps, and over the other steps to platform 2.

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Now on the path to platform 2, a view of the Annatomix fox and the steps to / from platform 1.

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There is high fences either side of the railway, but the fox street art is just about visible from the path.

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I somehow timed my arrival at Wylde Green Station as my train back to Birmingham New Street was arriving at platform 2. The Class 323 got a bit of shadow here, and you can see the fox by Annatomix on the far left.

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Retook West Midlands Railway 323213, the lighting was better on the second attempt. Bit hard to see the Annatomix fox now.

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There is a new thing from the Soho Depot called "Soho Bingo", the train I got is now named Sutton Coldfield. I think the game works if you get the name of the train at the station of the same name. But I did earlier arrive at Sutton Coldfield Station.

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Photography by Elliott Brown

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